Breaking Butterfly

The caterpillar cannot understand the butterfly but the butterfly does not boast or look down on the caterpillar for evolving at a different time. Her soul is still compassionate understanding & kind. A caterpillar must endure a season of isolation B4 it turns into a beautiful butterfly. Embrace time alone in suffering making u stronger & youll shine like a star in the night sky. Your time as a caterpillar has expired your wings are ready 2 fly. Why is a caterpillar wrapped in silk while it changes into a butterfly ... so other caterpillars can’t hear the agonizing screams thru the dying process & the penetrate cry..... the caterpillar has 2 suffer silently in a cocoon alone B4 it can become a breaking butterfly. Change is painful in the beginning but authenticity & character in the process is what u will find. The wings of transformation r born of patience struggle & faith. Thru all the unforeseen howling storms & cloudy rainy days. Love is a hurricane wrapped inside a chrysalis &u r walking into the irreversible storm..the caterpillar dies in the transformation of suffering so the butterfly can B born. A butterfly needs struggle to develop the muscles to fly by robbing her of the struggle u made her 2 weak 2 survive. Never lose hope 4 the butterfly is proof that beauty can emerge from brokenness something in isolation completely falling apart behind the scenes, no matter what u go thru, endure or mountains u face, have to climb winding up in a path of the unknown unforeseen. A test of faith 2 reach higher heights teaching u 2fly. The caterpillar is fine but if she stopped &decided not 2 grow transform, she would miss out on the beautiful butterfly she would become. Just when the caterpillar thought her life was over...she became a butterfly and she began to fly, she died and became a new creature in Christ

Breaking Butterfly
Written: July 17/20 
Edit: Nov 25/21


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